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Thursday, 14 March 2013

Mixed Feelings

adakalanya kita perlu mengatakan sesuatu yang melanggar keinginan atau harapan sendiri demi membahagiakan orang yang kita sayang..... lebih tepat, agar orang yang kita sayang tu, tak merasa terbeban atau serba salah dengan apa yang kita harapkan.....

well, it just happened.

it's a mixed feelings after all.... i do not know if i'm actually feeling disappointed, sad or...... sigh!!! sometimes, it's best not to plan, so that you dont look forward to anything.

been hearing and reading this phrase anywhere, "when a lady says she's all right, not to worry, she'll be fine, she's OK; she's actually not" guess, i gotto agree with it.....

i wish i know what's in your mind, so that i do not have to assume.
it saddens me, in a way or another. for once, i'm at a loss of words. there is so much that i wanna let out, but i just do not know what to write.

everything in life comes with a sacrification.....
even your love towards someone.....
i couldnt explain the reason why i am in love with you.... 
and is it right to be in love with you....
but all i want is to be close to you.
to share with you everything i could
to laugh with you.
to cry in your hugs. 
all the time....... 

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