Blog Archive

Monday, 1 July 2013


disebalik kekecewaan disitulah harapan
disebalik kesedihan disitulah ketenangan
disebalik kepahitan disitulah kemanisan
disebalik kekesalan disitulah keinsafan
disebalik kekhilafan disitulah pengajaran
disebalik kebencian disitulah kasih sayang
disebalik kepalsuan disitulah kebenaran
disebalik ketidak kesempurnaan disitulah permulaan

dan 'disebalik' itulah segala bentuk ujian kesabaran......

trying hard to compose myself.... trying hard to heal my own disappointments.... trying hard to pretend that i'm ok when i'm actually not.... trying hard to not think of spending the time that i've been hopeful and look forward to.... trying hard to remind myself that its the quality time and not quantity time that is important....
almost there. and i'm sure i will be perfectly fine. and the only way to overcome all that is to be completely in silence.

can't help but to just tear.... and i seriously hate myself for this sensitivity.....

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